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  • Supercharge your Startup

    Riff 45 St Georges Tce, Perth, Australia

    Details Entrepreneurship is not always a smooth path, and setbacks and failures are an inevitable part of the journey. But what separates successful entrepreneurs from the rest is their ability… Continue reading Supercharge your Startup


    Girls in ICT Day

    International Girls in ICT Day is a global movement encouraging girls and young women to pursue science, technology, engineering, art and math (STEAM) education and careers. Cisco are excited to… Continue reading Girls in ICT Day


    Entries Open: Australian Technologies Competition (ATC)

    online Western Australia, Australia

    The Australian Technologies Competition (ATC) is a premier growth and awards program for innovative Australian technologies with global growth potential. ATC seeks to identify and accelerate Australian technology 'scale-ups' across more than a dozen sectors/applications including clean energy, fintech/regtech, medtech, critical technologies (Web3), advanced manufacturing, social impact, and more. Successful entrants will have access to… Continue reading Entries Open: Australian Technologies Competition (ATC)

    jHub Defence Innovation Livestream

    CERI Level 1/22 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands, WA, Australia

    Live Stream Event: Unlocking Disruptive Innovation Capabilities for Defence   Join us for a live stream event at CERI to learn more about how London based jHub Defence Innovation’s diverse team of military, civilian, and contractor staff is unlocking novel and disruptive capabilities for Defence through opportunity-led and user-centred approaches. During the live stream event,… Continue reading jHub Defence Innovation Livestream

    Midland Small Business Workshop – Surviving and Thriving

    Stafford Court unit 4/8-12 Stafford St, Midland, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

    Do you need help to brainstorm, describe and visualise how your business makes money, who your customers are and how you deliver value to them? Through the Australian Government's Workforce Australia for Business Entrepreneurship Facilitator Program, in collaboration with Innovation Cluster, the City of Swan invites its registered small businesses to attend a free workshop… Continue reading Midland Small Business Workshop – Surviving and Thriving


    Applying for Grants Workshop

    WOTSO Mandurah 22 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah, Western Australia, Australia

    Empower your business to thrive. Join our free workshop to demystify the grant application process. Creating long-term support infrastructure that empowers Peel businesses and industries to thrive is essential for the economic resilience of the region. This includes ensuring accessibility to government tender opportunities and providing support to increase capability and capacity for successful participation… Continue reading Applying for Grants Workshop

    Event Series YHub Coffee & Connect

    YHub Coffee & Connect

    Y.hub 1/128 Yanchep Beach Road, Yanchep, Western Australia, Australia

    Yhub Coffee and Connect. Listen as Little Biz shares their top tips on how to make your website look great AND do what it’s supposed to do - get you more clients and help you grow! Yhub Members: 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 Non Members: $𝟐𝟎 (you get brekky, unlimited coffee and co-working for the day) Come along on… Continue reading YHub Coffee & Connect

    Event Series Social Enterprise Forum Co-Design Workshop

    Social Enterprise Forum Co-Design Workshop

    online Western Australia, Australia

    The WA Social Enterprise Council (WASEC), in partnership with Impact Seed, is hosting the first ever WA Social Enterprise Forum over two days in August 2023! This event will bring together hundreds of sector leaders across a diverse array of social enterprises, industry, community services, government, philanthropic, intermediaries, impact investors, and industry/peak bodies. We want… Continue reading Social Enterprise Forum Co-Design Workshop


    REGIONAL VENTURES: SOUTH WEST INNOVATION SERIES: Workshop 2: Board Models for Entrepreneurs

    Event description This is an interactive session with facilitator Craig Hook from Strategic Intent presenting board model considerations and discussion.  Tom Young from Perth building technology company uDrew will reveal his experiences of the Board creation process. The workshop will be held 1pm - 4pm followed by networking drinks. Includes afternoon tea. This workshop is presented… Continue reading REGIONAL VENTURES: SOUTH WEST INNOVATION SERIES: Workshop 2: Board Models for Entrepreneurs

    Startup Founder Mindset: Founder Stories – How Passion, Purpose and Perseverance drive Success!

    Riff 45 St Georges Tce, Perth, Australia

    Founder Stories - Entrepreneurship Unleashed - How Passion, Purpose and Perseverance drive Success! We are honoured to welcome Talai the Founder of Manini Pay who will share with us his story, tips and take-aways about how passion, purpose and perseverance are the formidable combo that can unleash your entrepreneurial mindset! Talai is a larger than… Continue reading Startup Founder Mindset: Founder Stories – How Passion, Purpose and Perseverance drive Success!

    AusBiotech: WA BioCheers with CSIRO

    CSIRO Kensington 26 Dick Perry Ave, Kensington, Western Australia, Australia

    We are excited to bring you this Western Australian networking event, in partnership with Australia’s national science agency CSIRO. BioCheers brings together AusBiotech members and non-members in the life sciences, including therapeutics, medical technology (devices and diagnostics), digital health, and agri-biotech sectors. These informal networking events provide an opportunity to catch up with friends and… Continue reading AusBiotech: WA BioCheers with CSIRO

    Entrepreneurial Mindset Bootcamp

    The Centre for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation (CERI) Level 1, 22 Stirling Highway Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia

    Master the fundamental skills and techniques that will pivot your mindset to turning problems into solutions. The CERI Entrepreneurial Mindset Bootcamp is a comprehensive and interactive two-day, hands-on training course focused on experiential learning. You will be immersed in real-world entrepreneurial experiences and introduced to numerous techniques, providing tools to proactively seek solutions for real-world… Continue reading Entrepreneurial Mindset Bootcamp

    DEADLINE: AEA Seed Grant Applications

    online Western Australia, Australia

    The AEA is designed to build a pipeline from discovery research through to commercialisation, ensuring Australia reaps the benefits of investment in research within the university sector. AEA Seed grants are available to support proof-of-concept projects (Technology Readiness Level 3 to 5). Eligible applicants may apply for grants of between $50, 000 and $500, 000… Continue reading DEADLINE: AEA Seed Grant Applications

    Ambitious Leaders Network Perth

    The Westin 4480 Hay Street, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

    Ambitious Leaders Network is a sundowner hosted by Katie-Jeyn Romeyn where we meet to inspire each other, celebrate success and share secrets to career and business advancement. And, have fun doing it. I am super excited because our next event on Friday, 5 May 2023 is a Celebrate Your Success and so we will have 5 incredible… Continue reading Ambitious Leaders Network Perth


    Data Science and AI Week

    The week will bring together a community of data scientists, technologists, educators, and business owners across Australasia to raise awareness about what data science is, network with other industry leaders, and share ideas with like-minded peers. A number of separate initiatives will be taking place across the week, with events discussing everything from the latest… Continue reading Data Science and AI Week