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    online Western Australia, Australia

    Cooperative Research Centres Projects (CRC-P) Grants provide funding for short-term research collaborations. Closing date:Thursday 2 March 2023 5:00pm AEDT What do you get? Matched funding of between $100,000 and $3… Continue reading DEADLINE: CRC-P

    Entrepreneurial Mindset Bootcamp

    The Centre for Entrepreneurial Research and Innovation (CERI) Level 1, 22 Stirling Highway Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia

    Master the fundamental skills and techniques that will pivot your mindset to turning problems into solutions. The CERI Entrepreneurial Mindset Bootcamp is a comprehensive and interactive two-day, hands-on training course focused on experiential learning. You will be immersed in real-world entrepreneurial experiences and introduced to numerous techniques, providing tools to proactively seek solutions for real-world… Continue reading Entrepreneurial Mindset Bootcamp