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  • Direct Lithium Extraction

    ECU Joondalup 270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia

    DIRECT LITHIUM EXTRACTION SEMINAR Dr. Amir Razmjou is the founder and leader of the Mineral Recovery Research Centre at ECU. He is the board director of the Membrane Society of… Continue reading Direct Lithium Extraction


    Investing in Gold by YOUNG IC

    Co.Lab Level 8, 125 Murray Street, Perth, WA, Australia

    Interactive Q/A | Investing in Gold "Educating and connecting investors of tomorrow. Where we believe the potential is unlimited" YOUNG IC will be hosting an Interactive Q/A with Campbell Baird on Investing in Gold. Experience a fun… Continue reading Investing in Gold by YOUNG IC

    Students of Cyber

    Sapien Cyber Offices Building 15, ECU, Joondalup, Western Australia, Australia

    Learn how to protect critical infrastructure from the Operational Technology specialises at Students of Cyber (SoC) hosted by Sapien! Students of Cyber is your chance to expand your network, link… Continue reading Students of Cyber


    IICA Perth Technology Expo

    Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre 21 Mounts Bay Road, Perth

    Over the last 80 years, the Institute of Instrumentation, Control and Automation (IICA) has been an open forum for members to build their network and knowledge with various types of… Continue reading IICA Perth Technology Expo

    Startup Weekend Perth #19

    Startup Weekend is a 54-hour whirlwind event where you get to be part of building a business in a weekend, Silicon Valley-style. It's about pitching, business model creation, prototyping, designing and market validation all in a friendly and supportive team environment. How does the weekend work? Friday - We kick off with some networking, before… Continue reading Startup Weekend Perth #19

    DEADLINE: Innovate to Grow : Health and Medtech

    online Western Australia, Australia

    This program is open to Australian SMEs currently working in heath and/or medtech, or those working in other areas looking to offer new technology or solutions that could be applicable to these sectors. The program will help you refine your innovation idea and step you through how to turn this into a research and development… Continue reading DEADLINE: Innovate to Grow : Health and Medtech

    DEADLINE: Local Capability Fund – Kimberley regional round

    online Western Australia, Australia

    The objective of this round is to provide funding support to Kimberley businesses to enhance their capacity, capability and competitiveness to participate as suppliers of products, services and works to state or local government agencies, the Australian Government and the private sector. The level of funding support under the Kimberley Regional Round is 75 per… Continue reading DEADLINE: Local Capability Fund – Kimberley regional round

    Live Stream: Climatetech Startup Incubation

    CERI Level 1/22 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands, WA, Australia

    CERI Speaker Series Sorin Grama – Climatetech Startup Incubation Tuesday 13 June - 8am - 9.30am Light breakfast will be provided. Sorin is a serial entrepreneur who has founded companies focused on high-efficiency air conditioning and thermal energy storage systems. He was the principal inventor of a thermal battery which is used by dairy farmers… Continue reading Live Stream: Climatetech Startup Incubation