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  • Data Science and AI Week

    The week will bring together a community of data scientists, technologists, educators, and business owners across Australasia to raise awareness about what data science is, network with other industry leaders, and share ideas with like-minded peers. A number of separate initiatives will be taking place across the week, with events discussing everything from the latest… Continue reading Data Science and AI Week

    Workshop: Presentation & Storytelling Skills for Tech Professionals

    Engaging communication skills and persuasive content creation are arguably the most important parts of a good business presentation. They constitute invaluable tools that can help strengthen the messaging to your audience. Led by an experienced trainer from Visagio, participants will learn how to: understand the importance and mechanisms behind building good presentations. determine the context: who… Continue reading Workshop: Presentation & Storytelling Skills for Tech Professionals

    Science on the Swan Conference

    In this conference we will highlight the key emerging strategic research strategies and partnerships underpinning and influencing the Western Australian medical health and research sector. One of our partnerships is with the Future Health Research and Innovation Fund, FHRI, which is the key mechanism by which the State Government funds health and medical research. This… Continue reading Science on the Swan Conference

    $25 – $539

    Data Science & AI Week Launch – “The current and future impacts of AI on industry”

    Data Science & AI Week (DSAIW) brings together a community of data scientists, technologists, visualisers, educators and more to raise awareness around data science, increase the uptake of data science training, projects and activity, and discuss trending topics and ideas. To kick off DSAIW 2023 we are hosting a fantastic launch event where we'll explore with… Continue reading Data Science & AI Week Launch – “The current and future impacts of AI on industry”

    The Courage to Launch: How to Overcome Fear and Start Your Own Business

    The Courage to Launch: How to Overcome Fear and Start Your Own Business is brought to you by the Skyrocket Startup Coaching Meetup. This interactive session is to be facilitated by Matt Ainsworth, an experienced entrepreneur and professionally trained executive coach who has successfully launched and grown their own businesses while living in Tokyo. As an executive… Continue reading The Courage to Launch: How to Overcome Fear and Start Your Own Business

    $29 – $35

    Midland Small Business Workshop – Surviving and Thriving

    Do you need help to brainstorm, describe and visualise how your business makes money, who your customers are and how you deliver value to them? Through the Australian Government's Workforce Australia for Business Entrepreneurship Facilitator Program, in collaboration with Innovation Cluster, the City of Swan invites its registered small businesses to attend a free workshop… Continue reading Midland Small Business Workshop – Surviving and Thriving


    Consumer biometrics in food & beverage marketing at FIPWA

    Join Dr Chris Vas at the very first Technology Tuesday event free onsite at FIPWA with an interactive demonstration of consumer biometrics! Dr Billy Sung and Stephen Gilmour will provide an overview of the market research capabilities of Metrix Consulting, specifically its innovative consumer biometric research capability. The workshop will outline the different applications of… Continue reading Consumer biometrics in food & beverage marketing at FIPWA

    Scaling up with SEAF: Unlocking value from shared data and analytics

    Hosted by The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute, Western Australian Marine Science Institution and Pawsey Supercomputing Centre. Join us as we celebrate Data Science & AI Week 2023, bringing together end users, data scientists, technologists and more, to raise awareness of the value of shared biodiversity data and analytics. Each year, a substantial amount of information on… Continue reading Scaling up with SEAF: Unlocking value from shared data and analytics

    STEM In The City – Panel Discussion

    This will be the only parent & child event during Data Science & AI Week 2023 at Scitech. Ideal for students, parents and educators. This is a unique opportunity to network with industry leaders and learn about job and career outlook in the emerging data science/AI/technology sector. Bring your questions, join the discussion, engage with the panel of… Continue reading STEM In The City – Panel Discussion

    DEADLINE: Qantas Regional Grants

    The Qantas Regional Grants program is back, offering $10 million to help regional communities sustain brighter futures by providing financial, flight, and marketing support to charities, organisations, causes, projects and individuals over a five-year period. Who can apply Entry is open to Australian based individuals, not-for-profit community groups and organisations of any size, who are… Continue reading DEADLINE: Qantas Regional Grants

    Event Series Morning Startup

    Morning Startup

    Morning Startup - Perth - where people talk about startups. If you're involved in a startup, or thinking about starting one, chances are you can learn from others that are doing and thinking the same. Morning Startup is a fortnightly morning catchup where founders, potential entrepreneurs and others in the startup community (VCs and Angels… Continue reading Morning Startup

    CyberWest Summit

    The WA Cyber Security Innovation Hub is excited to be delivering the second CyberWest Summit. CyberWest Summit is WA’s flagship event providing cyber security education and awareness to key sectors and highlighting WA cyber security capabilities. The conference will focus on developing systems, strategies, teams, businesses, start-ups, as Secure by Design – from the inception of… Continue reading CyberWest Summit


    Pulse: The Next Wave of Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development

    Youth and Community Activities Building 21 Foreshore Parade, Busselton, Western Australia, Australia

    Event description Pulse is the premier regional innovation event focused on growing regenerative industries and economies. This forum showcases innovation and facilitates collaboration amongst leading scientists, producers, manufacturers and conservationists, across the land and sea. For… Continue reading Pulse: The Next Wave of Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development