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DEADLINE: Defence Graduate Program: Research and Innovation (R&I)

9 April @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am AWST

DSTG is recruiting Australia’s brightest STEM graduates!

The Defence Graduate Program: Research and Innovation (R&I) pathway is the key pathway to kickstart your career as a recent graduate working with Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG).

DSTG is the Australian Government’s lead agency dedicated to providing science and technology support to deliver scientific advice and solutions for Defence and national security challenges.

The 12-month program provides the opportunity to apply the knowledge you’ve learnt through your University studies to real-life, cutting-edge Defence research programs. You will have the chance to see how we work, learn on the job skills (across 2 rotations), and upon program completion you’ll transition into an ongoing role with DSTG.