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    Event Series West Tech Fest 2024

    MedTech Masterclass

    KPMG 235 St Georges Terrace, Perth

    MedTech Masterclasses for Innovators in the Medical Device Space Life Sciences WA, in partnership with Innovate Medtech, is proud to present the inaugural MedTech Masterclasses — a two-day event designed to help MedTech professionals sharpen their skills and accelerate business growth. Join us in person at KPMG for an immersive event where you'll explore the latest trends and best… Continue reading MedTech Masterclass

    Event Series Deadlines

    DEADLINE: WA Chief Scientist ROI

    Apply online

    The Chief Scientist of Western Australia (the Chief Scientist) provides Science Advisory Services directly to the Minister for Science and provides high quality, independent, external advice to the WA Government on: • Science, technology and innovation in Western Australia, including how science, technology and innovation can help diversify and decarbonise the Western Australian economy and… Continue reading DEADLINE: WA Chief Scientist ROI

    DATTA WA State Conference 2024

    Edith Cowan University 270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup

    "​On behalf of the DATTA WA State Conference organizing committee, we are thrilled to invite you to join us at the Design and Technology Teachers' Association State Conference 2024. This year, the conference will be held at Edith Cowan University, Mount Lawley, on November 29th. We invite you to be part of a conference that fosters… Continue reading DATTA WA State Conference 2024


    Innovation for Research

    Perth Childrens Hospital 15 Hospital Avenue, Nedlands
    Hybrid Hybrid Event

    This seminar will provide an overview of the CAHS innovation program, exploration of innovation methods to enhance research skills including problem reframing, human centred design thinking, behavioural insights and mental models, an overview of external innovation programs, and an introduction to a reverse pitch event being planned by CAHS Innovation and Research together with The… Continue reading Innovation for Research